
Environmental Sustainability

Montana is the “Last Best Place” and, as such, needs unwavering protection of the environment so future generations can enjoy what we have enjoyed. Maintaining fisheries, hunting habitats, clean air and water should be a priority for the state. The Montana Constitution guarantees “The state and each person shall maintain and improve a clean and healthful environment in Montana for present and future generations. The legislature shall provide for the administration and enforcement of this duty.” With climate change becoming more real each and every season, we need to adapt our lifestyles to mitigate the effects. Various cities and Tribes have developed climate change adaptation plans; we need to communicate and make this a state priority to continue enjoying the Last Best Place. We can do this Montana!

Healthcare and Food Security

Our healthcare services need to change with Montana’s changing demographics. In addition to protecting the health and safety of Montanans, we need to improve health outcomes for many. Heart disease is the number one cause of death in Montana, with cancer a close second. 8.7% of the adult population have diabetes, with 34.7% diagnosed with pre-diabetes. Much of this is due to lack of access to healthy food.


Many of our schools need facility upgrades. In less affluent communities, paying for these is difficult if not impossible. All of our students deserve safe learning environments where they can thrive. Schools may be the only place some of our most vulnerable students get nutritious meals. Many of these children cannot get by on the school backpack programs. We can do better Montana.

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